Saturday, 16 October 2010
Design Festa 2010

Monday, 30 August 2010
Important News from Magicthinking. Magicthinkingから大事なお知らせ

Friday, 2 July 2010
New items for the new season at Hakouri. 季節が変わりハコウリにも新作が登場
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Thank you dear customers お客さんへありがとうございます
The weather was very clear today. Way to sunny actually, it was really hot!
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Toshimaen Flea Market 9thMay2010 豊島園フリーマーケット5月9日
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Magicthinking opens!
Monday, 29 March 2010
Brain Bag
Monday, 22 March 2010
Shinmai Creator's Project Fashion Show

Shinmai Creator's Project
Presented by Japan Fashion Week
22nd March 2010
I was at the Shinmai Creator's Project A/W collection show yesterday, held in Tokyo Midtown for the Japan Fashion Week. Thank you Elle Japan!!
Four labels were introduced at the show yesterday:
Designer : Yu Amatsu
Designer : Akane Utsunomia
Designer : Fabiola Arias
Designer : Luise Schwarze & Franck Pouchoulin
Overall, I think the collections were all a little bit too gloomy. I know, it's for A/W, but who said winter can't be a happy time?
Personally, I liked FABIOLA ARIAS best. Her designs were very cute and airy. It seems that she designs her clothes like painting. Hmm..inspirational. The background music left quite an impression for me too I suppose. I like happy music and her show had the happiest one on, which actually makes her collection looks very fairy tale-like.
Well, I kind of like THE INDIVIDUALIST(S) too. Gloomy, in a nice way.
I tried taking pictures of the show, to share them here. BUT, there were just too many people and I was sitting on the floor! Yes, on the floor! So I can't really see the whole runway hence no nice pictures...sob sob
The picture above is a aresent from Elle. A cute colourful scarf, collaboration between Elle and Shida Tatsuya. The cutest thing about it is that it comes with the glass bottle!
A DEGREE FAHRENHEIT (エーディグリーファーレンハイト)
FABIOLA ARIAS (ファビオラ アリアス)
デザイナー:ファビオラ アリアス
THE INDIVIDUALIST(S). A label by Luise&Franck) (ザ インディヴィデゥアリツ アレーベルバイルイーズアンドフランク)
Designer : ルイーズシュワルツ & フランク プシュラン
しかし個人的には4つのコレクションの中ではFABIOLA ARIASのコレクションが一番のお気に入りです。彼女のデザインはとっても可愛くて軽く流れるような感じでした。流れている曲の影響なのか明るい曲だったのでデザインがとっても可愛く見えました。
そのほかにはTHE INDIVIDUALIST(S)のコレクションもよかったかな。雰囲気は少し暗いけどデザインはいいのでなんだかクールに暗い感じでした。
ファッションショーはもちろんですが、そのほかにうれしかったのはエルからのプレゼントです。ガラス瓶入りのELLE x ISHIDA TATSUYAのカラフルストール。瓶入りがたまらなく可愛い!(上の写真)
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Book Cover (ブックカバー)
It's been a while since I last posted anything here. I have been doing some experimental projects with many things during that silence. At first I thought of putting up only things that I'm happy about on this page. I think I will put up all of my experimental goods also from now on.